Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers
Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers

Welcome to Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers


What do Quakers say?


There is something sacred in all people.


All people are equal before God.


Religion is about the whole of life.


In stillness we find a deeper sense of God's presence.


True religion leads to respect for the earth and all life upon it.


Each person is unique, precious, a child of God.




We hope that our website will help you find all the information you need, whether you are just wondering who Quakers are, or if you are a visiting Friend or a regular Member. Everyone is most welcome to attend our regular Meetings for Worship (details in the sidebar) and other occasions listed under EVENTS on the menu bar above.


For more information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), you might want to use the link to the national website   or to discover why people want to be Quakers  Discovering Quakers.

SUNDAY Meetings for Worship (Peterborough)

Sunday Meetings for Worship are in the Meeting House with tea/coffee served afterwards. These meetings are usually 'blended' via Zoom but not recorded. Those wishing to join with us online will find the links in the Menu Bar ZOOMED LINKS or click here  Zoomed Meetings


5th January. Regretfully Zoomed meeting are not availabe today or for the foreseeable future.


WEDNESDAY Meetings for worship.(Peterborough)

We are holding the meetings via Zoom only. Zoomed Meetings



If you have never attended a Quaker Meeting for Worship we ask you to read the information there as well or click here Zoomed Meetings


WISBECH Worshipping Group currently do not offer an online facility. You are very welcome to join them in person.


COFFEE & COMPANY - Place of Welcome (Peterborough)

Wednesday mornings 10 - 11.30  in the Meeting House.

There is more information on the  EVENTS  page.



QUIET MORNINGS (Peterborough)


Every second Friday of each month during 2024

There is more information on the  EVENTS  page. 


Peterborough Quaker Meeting House




Where we meet


Peterborough Quaker Meeting House

21 Thorpe Road


Wisbech Friends Meeting House

21 North Brink

WISBECH                  PE13 1JR

For further detail click Find us

Meetings for Worship



Sunday 10.30 -11.30 am

Wednesday 7 - 7.45 pm (Zoom only)


For more information and links 

please click Zoomed Meetings


Children & Young Peoples' Meeting is available on the second Sunday of every month.



Sunday 10 am - 11am


Children's Meetings held on request. Please contact us to arrange.

These logos relate to Peterborough only

Click on these logos below to go

direct to their websites.

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© Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers. Peterborough & Wisbech Quaker Meeting is part of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain,Cambridgeshire Area Meeting Charity No. 1134537