Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers
Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers

Advices and Queries


Advices and queries are intended for use in Quaker meetings, for private devotion and reflection, as a challenge and inspiration to us as Friends in our personal lives and in our life as a religious community, and as a concise expression of our faith and practice for enquirers and the wider world.’     


Advices & Queries to think about in January.

11. Be honest with yourself. What unpalatable truths might you be evading? When you recognise your shortcomings, do not let that discourage you. In worship together we can find the assurance of God’s love and the strength to go on with renewed courage.


12. When you are preoccupied and distracted in meeting let wayward and disturbing thoughts give way quietly to your awareness of God’s presence among us and in the world. Receive the vocal ministry of others in a tender and creative spirit. Reach for the meaning deep within it, recognising that even if it is not God’s word for you, it may be so for others. Remember that we all share responsibility for the meeting for worship whether our ministry is in silence or through the spoken word.

All the Advices and Queries can be found online here

Where we meet


Peterborough Quaker Meeting House

21 Thorpe Road


Wisbech Friends Meeting House

21 North Brink

WISBECH                  PE13 1JR

For further detail click Find us

Meetings for Worship



Sunday 10.30 -11.30 am

Wednesday 7 - 7.45 pm (Zoom only)


For more information and links 

please click Zoomed Meetings


Children & Young Peoples' Meeting is available on the second Sunday of every month.



Sunday 10 am - 11am


Children's Meetings held on request. Please contact us to arrange.

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© Peterborough & Wisbech Quakers. Peterborough & Wisbech Quaker Meeting is part of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain,Cambridgeshire Area Meeting Charity No. 1134537