Quaker Peace and Social Witness
'Quaker Peace and Social Witness works with and on behalf of Friends in Britain to translate our faith into action. As Quakers we are impelled by our faith to make our lives an active witness for peace and justice. Our historic testimonies to equality, justice, peace, simplicity and truth challenge us to alleviate suffering and seek positive social change.
The Committee aims to ensure that its work is clearly rooted in Quaker values, expresses Quaker testimonies and builds upon Quaker experiences. It works to build the daily experiences and spiritual leadings of Friends in their meetings into our corporate work.
The committee tries to address the causes of violence, locally, nationally and globally by engaging in nonviolent peacemaking in areas affected by armed conflict, working for a culture of peace and justice based on nonviolent change.
It works towards a society where diversity is appreciated and all people can fulfill their potential for fullness of life in harmony with others. It promotes social justice, the reduction of prejudice and the equal treatment of all people, and works against unjust systems.
The committee also seeks to promote changes that will help us to live responsibly and in harmony with all life and the Earth itself.'
From 'Quaker Faith and Practice'